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Lewis & Clark Expedition

Communication Throughout History


The Lewis and Clark Expedition was a pioneer through the unknown western territory of the U.S. The said to be explorers Lewis and Clark took on the risk of going into the unknown for the sole purpose to bring back information about such land. With the information that ​​would soon be provided from the explorer's ambitions it would allow the U.S. to obtain a deeper understanding of what was prominent in the land they have purchased. By exploring the land Lewis and Clark would bring back necessary information about the abundance of natural resources as well as what such land can be used for. The information would also allow for the U.S. to be aware of

people who have already resided in the land, such as Native Americans. By forming relationships through the communication using hand signals with the Natives it allows for the exchange of raw material and unknown natural resources. Meriwether Lewis and William Clark formed a relationship in correlation that would be used throughout the lengthy trek of the west. Lewis and Clark embarked on the mission to inform the citizens back home of what was hidden in the mysterious territory. Meriwether Lewis was President Thomas Jefferson's private secretary prior to his change in character of becoming an explorer. William Clark served in the United States Army prior to the expedition. Meriwether Lewis was given the position of leading the expedition throughout the land in the newly acquired Louisiana Purchase. He was an acquaintance of William Clark and had asked if he would be able to join him on his journey. Clark agreed to join Lewis and together they formed a team of over 40 men. They soon began their expedition at the city of St. Louis on May 14, 1804. Prior to leaving they had packed an immense amount of necessities which ranged from rifles, to food and clothing. They hadn't realized at the time yet they had begun traveling up the Missouri River. They had a single barge and two pirogues on their trek. Along the journey, they had met many Native American tribes in which communication became a huge part of their journey. They had used communication in various methods, specifically hand signals with the Natives. Through the use of hand signals, it allowed Lewis and Clark to communicate with the Natives and acquire parts of their culture to bring back home and show the culture that is prominent within the west. Continuing with the use of communication Lewis and Clark had also utilized storing their ideas and findings in journal entries to keep track of their trek as well as provide proof of their voyage when they get home. These methods of communication all work hand in hand to develop new findings on the nation’s newly acquired land. Lewis and Clark have also formulated maps to provide the U.S. with information on location within specific areas of the unknown territory. Throughout the entire expedition, they have encountered many Native Americans, unknown resources, as well as new species that have never been discovered prior. After the expedition had ended Lewis was appointed the governor of the Louisiana territory. Yet Lewis died a few years later and the position of governor was transferred to Clark, but instead of being governor of the Louisiana territory, he has become governor of the Missouri Territory and Superintendent of Indian Affairs. All in all the expedition was one of the most successful of its kind and had provided the U.S. with an immense amount of information of the wilderness that was brought upon them.

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